Episode 3

CBD Science: How CBD Can Help Alleviate your Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Join us as Rick discusses the science behind why CBD can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. With the backing of science, more and more people are beginning to trust the powerful impact CBD products can have on your overall well-being. Why would you want to go back to prescription medication when there is a natural and plant-based remedy for our mental health?

About Rick Anson

Rick Anson is an International speaker, Cannabis expert, and thought leader. Owner of Wellness Labs, cbdbrainiq, cbdwellnessiq, co-owner of Rob Floyd CBD, podcaster, YouTube producer, and host.

Wellness Labs specializes in advanced absorption CBD products, helping people and pets live a healthier life through CBD and Cannabis. Rick Anson and his team have produced over $10 million in revenue through wholesale CBD and are now launching DTC sales, educational platforms, and mobile stores.

Rick has been sharing his passion, mentoring MLM companies and consumers on CBD, and cannabis since 2012! Rick is a Professional educator and loves hiking, playing soccer, and spending time with his two kids and wife of twenty-three years. 




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Do you suffer from stress and anxiety? Have trouble sleeping or need some pain relief but not sure if CBD is for you? Then welcome to the world of CBD wellness. Your host Rick Hansen is an international speaker, cannabis expert and owner of wellness labs, CBD brain IQ and CBD wellness IQ. Each week, Rick and his guests will explore the effects of CBD and other healthful cannabinoids on your mental and physical well being. Discover how you can restore your balance from within with plant based healing and live a happier and healthier life. Now let's make the shift into wellness.

Michelle Abraham:

All right, thanks for joining us today. Hey Rick, how you doing?

Rick Anson:

Michelle? Thanks.

Michelle Abraham:

So glad you're here today. And we want to talk about stress, anxiety and depression and why millions and millions of people are now using CBD products to help them handle the stress anxiety and depression and actually get back to a normal stasis so homeostasis in their bodies and have a more fulfilling life in my gosh, this is what a huge impact as making on millions of people's lives.

Rick Anson:

Yeah, yeah, it is. And, you know, is now the, you know, for many people in you know, around the world, right? Because CBD is in like, so many countries, now they go, the go to as a as, as natural, plant based, safe way to help with that stress, that anxiety in a lot of depression that's going on right now in the world with all the different topics that's happening, you know, and they're going on AM, I really think Michelle in the last year, actually, I really think the last six months right began in 2022 and all the things are happening, that people are understanding that you know, good quality, right? It has to be safe, has to be has to have some purity, and it has to be consistent. And you have those three pillars of CBD, you have an amazing foundation of daily health and wellness. And people now understanding that safe pure CBD is is from a plant, right a lot of people take I take, I used to take whey protein, for example. Am and then I realized, well, that comes from cheese, right? And it's dairy based, right? And that, well, I don't like to put dairy based products in my body and a lot of people don't look chemicals and you know, just dairy just exactly, you know, so I went to organic plant based protein. And you basically that's what CBD is it's organic, plant based nutrition. I mean, that's how I look at as a plant vitamin. And people are understand that more and more now. And that it's a great safe alternative. It's it's less expensive, obviously, on a daily even on a daily basis, even like 100 milligrams a day. It's much less expensive than taking a drug for that CBD and the history of mankind, right? And the whole history in Vimeo, today's social media, Michelle and your your social media queen, it would be on social media in a heartbeat, right? Never has there been a case of CBD being an overdose of CBD being tossed, you know, having a toxic toxicity level in your body. Right? It's safe. I mean, people have been taking take 1000 to 2000 milligrams a day of CBD, and it's been safe for them. So they know they can take the 100 milligrams 10 milligrams a day. It's safe is very inexpensive compared to the drugs. There's no harmful at all side effects been shown from CBD, you know, quality CBD and that people are understanding that to cope with the stress to cope with anxiety to cope with daily degrees of depression, that this is something that we used every single day. Now I think the biggest thing is shown I love I love this topic. I love this, that they're like well, okay, so you I was told it works. But why is it work? Right? I was told CBD does all these other things too. And sometimes it does and sometimes it has and sometimes it hasn't. Well, I explained to you. We have an endocannabinoid system. This like we have like 11 other systems within our body to help regulate, you know, our respiratory system for breathing, muscle mass Kotori system, right different things. We have an endocannabinoid system. Now that ECS system has receptors are called CB one CBT receptors. Now it's very simple science that when you nourish your body with a CBD, which is a cannabinoid with a cannabinoid, whether it's CBD is an isolate or more Multiple cannabinoids, that it goes into your body and those CB one CB two receptors open up, you know, they open up and receive intake the CBD. And that's what helped nourishes and Rec. Our, our endocannabinoid system is set to regulate our mood, our home homeostasis, right? Overarching mood, overarching health and wellness, your mood, but also that also and we have different receptors found mainly in our in different organs in our, in our mental part of the body and in our brain. So that that's why the science works. That's why CBD is absolutely beneficial for stress, anxiety, mood support depression, because it's shown to to work with the endocannabinoid system that's within certain organs of our body, liver and stomach and in our brain, right. And that's why it works so well. And people now are understanding it, and they're trusting it. They're trusting it, because knowledge is there now. And there's been three or four years worth of usage of quality CBD products, like we have, right there that are safe, that are pure, and they're consistent. And when you understand that, it is a no brainer, why would you why would anyone ever use a drug again, if you can replace it with something that's all natural?

Michelle Abraham:

Absolutely, I mean, it's kind of a side effects of things that you would use to help with anxiety or depression or so, or stress even are, you know, over the or prescription based drugs that are expensive, and also, you know, have also horrible side effects. So this seems like a really great alternative. And obviously, like you want to do this in, you know, in collaboration with like a good diet and walking and exercise and things to you. Is that correct? Yeah,

Rick Anson:

absolutely. Like yeah, like, there's no there's not, there's not one thing that cures everything, right. Life doesn't work that way, you have to work hard, you have to put time and energy in anything that's worth anything. But taking CBD, you know, 50 to 100 milligrams a day, with a good you routine, exercise routine, a good diet, you know, it's not just physical health, right? It's mental health, it's, it's spiritual health you need you have to have all three, you have to have mental, physical and spiritual health to have, you know, optimal quality of life, you know, quality of life is everything for you and your pet. So 100% in some sort of regimen with everything else. And it is I'm just excited that we are living in a time that you know, CBD and other cannabinoids are being discovered as really, truly future health and wellness.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's so available now. So it'll be interesting to see what happens in like, another 10 years from now, with this being available for people to just purchase, over the counter and, you know, in stores and online and everything, the effects that it's going to have on are just, you know, effects people are going to have in like their everyday life being able to do this and it'd be so accessible. Now our kids and kids are having a huge problem with stress and anxiety, especially post pandemic, something we've been talking a lot about, I guess. And you know, I think this is amazing, because this is great for kids too, is is really beneficial for

Rick Anson:

100% for kids, you know, from, you know, there's all kinds of studies all kinds of, you know, just true stories from people, right? That's, that's the most impactful, the most authentic is from you know, kids are two years old to people that well my father in law's 92 Wow, he takes CBD any list by himself in the house about 10 minutes from us. 92 years old, Michelle, and he takes CBD every single day. Right? He gets up. He's trying to you know, jumble things for figure things out throughout the day. He takes CBD to help them with a soreness, his lower back his knees, but just helps them with clarity too. And we even talk about CBD, you know, safety, purity consistency. What's amazing today now right is all form factors. So with our products, right CBD wellness, IQ and CBD brain IQ, you can get advanced absorption topical creams, right? You can just roll it on reven on specific to an elbow, your knee your lower back. So it's specific to acute pain or inflammation. You have sublingual tincture drops, you can put on your tongue, it goes into your bloodstream for general pain general right doesn't have to be acute doesn't have to be specific to an elbow for example. And you have gourmet gummies we have gourmet. And then you have beverages, right? The largest fastest growing segment is CBD beverages because it goes into the bloodstream. It's It's just easy. Everybody drinks, right?

Michelle Abraham:

What I love about this is like you don't have like, I'm not a pill taker. I cannot do the pills. Like, that's why I kind of like shy away from so many vitamins because I'm like, Ah, these pills have vitamin sitting on and never take them because they're pills. But yeah, so you can have them in so many different applications just just lifestyle. Oh, eat a whole bag of gummies though, for sure. We'll have

Rick Anson:

a contest. Next, we're gonna live I have a contest. Who can eat 30 Gummy bears the fastest.

Michelle Abraham:

That's right, and then we know it's gonna make us feel fantastic. I love that.

Rick Anson:

No tea. See everybody.

Michelle Abraham:

That's awesome. Well, Rick, this has been really fascinating. And I think you know, it's really going to be great to see over the next 10 years or so just the stress and anxiety levels of the millions of people out there that are suffering. Kids included, I just see that, oh, just know that it's available. It's more or less expensive. It's available for them and they're gonna see such amazing results. So thanks for sharing with us today. It's awesome.

Rick Anson:

Absolutely. And it starts today, right? He starts today, you can learn and you can you can learn more and our websites are approximate their websites right? CBD wellness, IQ and CB brain IQ. It's really about this education, Michelle about learning and then trying the products for yourself.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. Well disfavour Good. Try the products for yourself and report back to us how you're feeling. We want to make sure you're feeling fantastic too. All right, have a great week.

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CBD Wellness with Rick Anson

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Michelle Abraham-Consulting